My Work

A showcase of my projects and contributions.



Live Site

Proactively maintained, debugged, and added new features to the Encompass web application - a open source and non profit led project by 21PSTEM - employing a versatile tech stack including HTML, CSS, SaSS, Ember.js, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Docker, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, and Jira

Reliance Digital Creative

Reliance Digital Creative

Live Site Github Repo

Ran an freelance digital marketing agency focused on developing beautiful interactive websites and digital marketing campaigns for small businesses. Built with Next.js, Tailwindcss, framer motion, deployed on Vercel.

HTMLCSSJavaScriptReactSassNext.jsTailwindcssFramer MotionVercel
Portfolio V3

Portfolio V3

Live Site Github Repo

Developed a personal portfolio website using Next.js, Tailwindcss, framer motion, deployed on Vercel.

HTMLCSSJavaScriptReactNext.jsTailwindcssFramer MotionVercel